If we could only have 2 colors, it would be white and blue. Just those colors bring about:
- power
- cleanliness
- new beginnings
- optimism
- confidence
These white framed, ice blue shades are ready to hit the beach, water, woods and music festivals with you.
At a quick glance, you may mistake these as ordinary shades. While there's nothing wrong with sticking to the classics, whether it's vanilla ice cream or a day at the beach, look closer.
The bold red frames are made from recycled resin and the arms are beautifully handcrafted from multiple layers of sustainably sourced bright bamboo wood.
These bamboo wood sunglasses offer a perfect 50/50 mix of eco-friendly materials. While keeping with a traditional style, people will notice the touch of originality.
At times, the beautiful things in life just don't scream for attention.
All of our bamboo wood sunglasses come with:
☀ a protective, laser engraved, bamboo cylinder case
☀ microfiber pouch which doubles as a cleaning cloth
☀ UV400 protection and CE / FDA certified.
☀ warm fuzzy feelings, knowing you've given back to the environment with your purchase.
Sure, they look dope... but they're also perfect "every day" shades for chillin at the beach, fishing, golfing, driving, sittin on the patio or nursing a good old hangover!
Giving Back
10% of each sale will be donated to your choice of 5 charitable causes. Look below in the "Giving Back" tab for more info ✌️
Buy a pair of bamboo shades. Help save the planet. Look good doing it! 😎